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Choose Your Event (Must be Filled)
Choose Your Venue Package Matching Your Event and Day (Must be Filled)

All rentals are contracted on a first come first served basis. Your reservation is not confirmed until a full contract with a KHP coordinator is approved, signed and the amount below is collected. If the remainder fees are not received within the due dates our staff has the right to cancel any event.

Deposit, Payments and Security Deposit:

Deposits are accepted by check, cash, money order, or credit card. Payments made with Credit or Debit card are subject to 3% fee. At the end of your event a KHP staff member will do a full inspection of the facility to ensure all rules and regulations have been followed. The deposit will be returned in full no later than 10-14 business days after the conclusion of each event on the condition that the facility is left in its original condition. The security deposit will be used to pay the cost of repair of any damage to outdoor Park and Facilities.  The Meeting Hall includes, without limitation, damages to furnishings, floors, walls, or landscaping. Failure of the Applicant to properly clean the Park Facility and area or the Meeting Hall after the event, refusal to vacate premises at established ending time, or other costs incurred by the Kingsburg Historical Park. The Applicant is responsible for guests' conduct and/or damages and will be billed for any costs exceeding the security deposit. Payment for additional costs, fees, damages, etc., is due in full ten calendar days after billing date.

In the unlikely event that KHP is unable to perform services due to extreme illness, act of God, weather, act of terrorism, flood, war, government laws and or regulations and/or other conditions beyond the control of KHP, we will do our best to offer suggestions but are not required to return all payment. In the event the CLIENT is forced to change the date of a contracted event due to unforeseen circumstances, KHP will make every effort to accommodate a change of date to a currently open date. Any violation of the facility use policies will result in the immediate termination of rental and user will not be eligible for rental refund or a refund of their security deposit

Deposit, Payment & Security Deposit

Alcoholic Beverages:

KHP reserves the right to request proof of age of any guest and will not allow minors to be served alcohol on our property. Any guests providing alcohol to a minor will be reported and asked to leave immediately.

KHP does not permit distilled spirits unless they are dispensed by a licensed bartender with their own Liability Insurance and Bartender License. They will need to be provided prior to event for review and given special permission of our rental agent. 

We reserve the right to confiscate unauthorized distilled spirits. KHS reserves the right to deny service of alcohol to any guest we feel may cause harm to himself/herself or others or damage to the venue. KHS Staff reserves the right to eject any guest we feel may be a cause of harm to others or themselves. Our security staff will consult the main contact of the event before any decisions are made. If alcoholic beverages are going to be sold, a copy of the license issued by the California Alcohol Beverage Control Board is required. Security guards are required whenever alcohol is served on the premises of the Kingsburg Historical Park.  Beverages that are in glass containers must be served in plastic or Styrofoam cups. Wine and champagne can remain in their original containers in the Bar and at tables.        

Alcohol Beverages


Kingsburg Historical Park is a smoke free environment. Smoking is absolutely Prohibited except in designated smoking area near the back gate. Ask any staff member for directions. Please respect our Policy.


____At least 60 days prior to the reservation date, Applicant must provide a certificate of general liability insurance acceptable to Kingsburg Historical Park naming the Kingsburg Historical Park and its officials, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents as additional insurers in an amount not less the $1,000,000 per occurrence and covering all activities while using the Kingsburg Historical Park Facilities and Meeting Hall. If alcoholic beverages will be served, liquor liability insurance is also required. All bounce houses and rental equipment companies must carry their own Liability Insurance and a copy must be sent to the event coordinator prior to the event. There must always be adult supervision during the use of any rental equipment.



Decorations are not allowed to be attached to any structure using nails, tacks, pins, tape, staples, or other attaching devices that leave permanent marks after removal of said decorations. To attach items to structures you may use floral wire, zip ties, or rope.  Confetti, colored powder, rice, pinatas, artificial petals, fog machine, laser lights or sparklers are not permitted on the park grounds or inside its structures. If these items are found on premises a cleaning fee will be charged. Decorations must be fireproof or made of fire-retardant materials. Open flames are not permitted. Only candles in an enclosed vase will be allowed. All decorations must be taken down and removed at the end of the event. If any equipment needs to be picked up at a later time that must be approved by the coordinator. A fee will be charged for reopening the park. The Kingsburg Historical Park is not responsible for any items left at the Kingsburg Historical Park or Meeting Hall. KHP is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items.

The Kingsburg Historical Park may, for good cause, suspend rules contained herein and/or institute new and additional rules governing use of the park and Meeting Hall as it deems necessary.


All vendors must load or unload in designated areas either in the front parking lot or back utility area. No vehicles or equipment are to be driven or placed on the lawn areas without authorization.

Music must be turned off by 10:00 PM outdoors due to Kingsburg City Ordinance. Time is not negotiable so please make sure your event timeline is followed. Music indoors is turned off by 10:30 pm. Volume of music and sound equipment will be monitored and may not exceed measured levels.

All vendors must bring their own equipment KHP will not lend out extension cords, ladders, etc... Please come prepared. All electric equipment used for cooking must be used in designated areas of the venue with prior KHP approval. Please do not serve any drinks that contain red or blue dye. Any use of these dyes will result in staining our facility and may be charged a cleaning fee.                                                                                                                      


  1. More than 60 days prior to the reservation date, Security deposit will be refunded, only 50% of paid Venue Packages' fees will be refunded.

  1. Less than 60 days prior to the reservation date,        

    Security Deposit will be refunded, only 25% will be refunded with KHS retaining 75% of the Venue Packages' fees paid.

  2. Less than 30 days prior to the reservation date        

Security Deposit will be refunded, 0% will be refunded with KHP retaining 100% of the Venue Packages' fees paid.

Safety Policies:

Companion dogs are only allowed in certain outdoor areas of this establishment. Companion dogs must be licensed and Only service dogs will be allowed inside meeting hall and indoor areas. CLIENT is responsible for the dog at all times.

When the Historical Park Hall is rented a Caretaker will be on site during the entire event if you have any questions or concerns. Handicap parking is available. If there are any special requests, please discuss them prior to the event with the coordinator. KHS will make every effort to accommodate.

Client shall comply with all applicable laws, state, local, and federal, while using our venue and will be responsible for ensuring that client's guests comply as well.

Hold Harmless:

The Applicant agrees to indemnify, defend (with legal counsel acceptable to the Kingsburg Historical Park) and hold harmless the Kingsburg Historical Park and its officials, agents, employees and officers against any and all liability, loses, claims damages, fees of attorneys, and other expenses, including without limitation, sums paid or incurred in attempting to procure release from liability, which the Kingsburg Historical Park or its officials, agents, employees or officers may sustain or incur as a consequence of the use of the Historical Park and the structures and improvement located at Historical park by the Applicant or any of his or hers officials, employees, agents or invitees or arising out of any act or activity conducted by the Applicant or arising from the activities or events identified in the Rental Application. Applicant agrees to comply with and abide by all of the provisions of the Application and Use Permit Requirement and agrees to comply with and abide by the same and cause all person’s present at the Historical Park to abide by and comply with the same, I hereby certify that all information provided above is correct.

The undersigned does hereby certify that he/she has read this document and agrees to the proper use and care of the Kingsburg Historical Park and Meeting Hall as required by this contract.


We often find it useful to take photos of events in progress, decorations, and other aspects of an event to use them for publicity. It would only be done discreetly, and with your permission. If you object to having photos taken by our event staff, we will be happy to honor your wishes. Remember that word of mouth and social messaging are our primary source of publicity and are very helpful to us as a non-profit organization.

As the undersigned, I certify that I understand the above stated conditions and I hereby release and grant permission to Kingsburg Historical Park to use said images for promotional purposes on digital electronic and print media.

Contact Us
Connect with us

Physical Address

2321 Sierra St. Kingsburg, Ca 93631 

Phone. 559-869-8320

Mailing Address:

PO Box 282

Kingsburg, CA 93631


(Note: If the link does not work, copy and paste the email address into your browser.)

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